The World, at anchor on The Fowey, July 2010.
Moving to Cornwall in 2010 was a bit of a gamble, I’ll admit. Without much work in the offing, I started with a bit of a loss-leader, shooting a few jobs for Cornish Guardian but minus the pay.
I found this buried in an old hard drive on an even older folder Initial Free Jobs, amazing I was that motivated. The ship is The World, at the time one of the biggest ocean liners in the world and almost visible from my house, anchored on The Fowey. Despite some pretty grim cropping and the pic being a bit soft, not a bad effort for my third ever press job; (the previous two should have never seen the light of day) the big name is there, the context, the local everyman.
My now home is still within spitting distance of The Fowey, several thousand jobs later.
Earlier today, I heard that another of the “biggest ships in the world” was in port.
No thoughts of future contracts this time, less novalty, loss motivation. By the time I bothered looking, the ship had sailed.
Maybe I’ll go next time, even if just for the promise of a crab sandwich from Cap’n Hank.
The Fowey, absent of any massive ships.